18 Feb 2020


This is where you’ll find the most up-to-date information on who we are, what we’re working on, what we’ve done, and how we did it. And how you can, too!


Mailing Address

Office: Benson Hall 355
Lab: Benson Hall B5
3781 Okanogan Lane NE
Seattle, Washington 98195


  • Lab: (206) 543-5467

Design and Implementation

Finally addressing an long-lived item on the lab To-Do list, we have copied our lab website design and code from D. Allan Drummond, who in turn was inspired by Trevor Bedford. Since our group has limited computer science expertise, our website will more than likely remain unchanged from this design.

We’d like to extend immense grattitude to those who developed this template and provided it free of charge on GitHub. Please refer here for more answers about the site design and inspiration.